Sunday, January 21, 2001

Self assessment

Assessing your past and present life and setting a direction for your future:

1991-1996 (age 9-13)
The best thing that happened: David moved out. The distance helped change him and thus brought us closer together.
The worst thing that happened: I stopped going to church regularly.

1996-2001 (age 14-19)
The best thing that happened: I came to the realization that there is always something to learn and life is an amazing gift from God.
The worst thing that happened: not being sure that those around me know how important they are to me.

2001 (age 19)
The best thing that is happening: I am learning, growing, and experiencing new things every day. I am able to be a part of so many things and reach out and help lots of people.
The worst thing that is happening: I have a tendency to over-commit and try and be perfect at all I am doing. That can lead me to be a bit low.

Goals for the next 5 years 2001-2006 (age 19-24)
What I definitely want: to go to grad school of some sort and be working on my degree. I want to do some traveling and I want to have met my future husband.
What I definitely don't want: I do not want to be working fast food and to have given up on a professional career.

Goals for the next 6-10 years 2006-2010 (age 24-29)
What I definitely want: to be married and starting my career. I want to be spending time with family.
What I definitely don't want: to only be seeing family once a year.

Current Reflections (9/10/2007)
Well, the good news is, in general I have accomplished my goals. Grad school--check. Earned my degree--check. Travel--check (times 13--13 different countries since I wrote that statement!) Future husband--no check. I am pretty sure I didn't meet him between 2001-2006, at least if we know each other, I have no idea that marriage is in our future! Spending time with family--check. At the time I wrote this, I had to ask both of my parents what their thoughts were, both pretty much said I was too vague...hey, but with vague goals at least they can be achieved! at least for me. Off the cuff, if I had to do this assessment all over again evaluating the 2001-2006 period, the NOW of 2007 and then setting goals for the next 5 years, 2007-2012, and then next 6-10 years, 2012-2017....hmmmm....

2001-2006 (age 19-24)
The best thing that happened: living abroad--broadening my horizons, changing my perspectives, risking, stretching myself even when it was painful, and making life-long friendships.
The worst thing that happened: dealing with fairly crazy narcissistic men and being stalked by them.

Now--2007 (age 26)
The best thing that is happening: I am really enjoying life. I am filled with joy. My church is growing. I love what I do!
The worst thing that is happening: I am never satisfied with my own efforts. I never feel like what I do is good enough, or sufficient. There is always more to be done, and that can be fairly discouraging.

Next 5 years, 2007-2012 (age 26-31)
What I definitely want: I'd still love to have a family of my own. Get married, have babies, be a mom and a wife. I'd love for my Latino congregation to grow to a self-sustaining chartered church--at least 250 members. I want it to be a church other pastors get excited about being assigned to.
What I definitely don't want: to be disgruntled and disheartened by the church such that I lose hope for our future.

Next 6-10 years, 2012-2017 (age 31-36)
What I definitely want: to have climbed to the top of a big mountain (Mt. Whitney, Kilimanjaro, etc); to be working at or establishing my *ideal* congregation--multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-generational, and multi-traditional. I want to be inspired and energized about living life, loving my family, and the work I am doing.
What I definitely don't want: to be stagnant in my ministry or in my (potential) marriage/family.

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